Case Study Three
Overview The client had a HNW spouse who had full control of all finances. The client had been made an offer by the spouse, but had no idea if that offer would cover her outgoings. We needed to look at past expenditure to ascertain if the offer was reasonable. The client Full-time housewife and mother […]
Case Study Two
Overview The client wanted to strike a ‘reasonable’ deal with their spouse. This was all about proving what the client could afford to give away and that the spouse was making an unreasonable ‘needs’ request by saying that she and their child needed to stay in a 14 bedroom house. The client Successful solicitor; partner […]
Case Study One
Overview The client, the wife in this case, was convinced that there were funds missing in her spouse’s disclosure. The solicitor did not have the time or the manpower to look at this complex financial situation to track the funds. That’s where we came in. The client Housewife and mother (one child) HNW husband Four […]